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北师大版高中英语(选择性必修第三册)课文及单词录音 Unit 9

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Lesson 1 To Clone or not to Clone?

第一课 克隆还是不克隆

Unit 9-To Clone or not to Clone


Unit 9-To Clone or not to Clone音频: 进度条 00:00 04:53 后退15秒 倍速 快进15秒

Cloning is the process of making an exact copy of a plant or animal and developing it either naturally or artificially. Natural cloning has been going on for generations. For example, gardeners have been using a form of cloning when they take a cutting from a plant and place it in a suitable medium, such as soil. Another example of natural cloning is identical twins, who are produced from the same egg.


For years, there had been attempts to clone animals artificially. The first successfully cloned animal was a sheep named Dolly in 1996. At first, Dolly grew normally, but later she developed an illness that is more normally found in much older animals. She lived for six and a half years, only half the life of the sheep from which she was cloned. After Dolly, scientists have cloned more than 20 mammal species, including camels, cattle, deer, dogs, goats and mice. However, they have found a similar pattern of health problems with these other species as well. This has led to questions such as, “Will this be a major issue for all cloned animals?” “Will it continue to happen forever?”.


In January 2018, the cloning of two long-tailed monkeys, Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua, was announced by Chinese scientists. They were the first-ever primates (the order of mammals which include apes, monkeys, and humans) to have been cloned! In comparison with other species, cloning primates has proved to be “much harder”, and doing so with non-reproductive cells was even more complicated. Dr. Sun Qiang, director of the research team, said they had been wholly devoted to the research and had been taking care of more than 1,000 monkeys 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for more than 5 years. There had been a number of failures before they eventually found a way to successfully clone a monkey. The reason they worked so hard to break this technical barrier was to get animals with edited genes and produce animal models that are helpful for medical research and human health.


The successful cloning of primates has led to worldwide praise as a huge breakthrough that might lead to cures for various diseases and may also offer clues on how to prevent the aging process. With this technology, we have the potential to raise a large number of monkeys with identical genes in a short amount of time, and we can even change their genes to suit research needs. This could help save research time, reduce the number of animals required for testing, produce more accurate results, and lead to more effective treatments.


Cloning, however, continues to be an issue that causes a great deal of disagreement and provokes strong emotions. While some people believe it is crucial for scientific advancement, others raise moral concerns. They believe it is bound to lead to cloning of other species, and they worry about the ethical questions this raises. For example, they wonder if clones should be treated as objects or as individuals with their own identity. Furthermore, clones may be viewed as mere copies of originals thus being seen as inferior. Finally, they worry that some organisations may abuse the technology for unethical purposes.


So far, it is still unknown what will happen to Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua as they grow up. Researchers insist that the science of cloning should be further explored and advanced. As Einstein said, “Science is a powerful instrument. How it is used, whether it is a blessing or a curse to mankind, depends on mankind and not on the instrument. A knife is useful, but it can also kill.”



Lesson 3 Eqidemics Explained

第三课 流行病探因

Unit 9-Eqidemics Explained音频: 进度条 00:00 05:34 后退15秒 倍速 快进15秒

An epidemic is the name given to an infectious disease that rapidly spreads to a large number of people within a short period of time—usually two weeks or less. Epidemics have been happening for as long as there have been people living on Earth. They can be caused by several different factors, such as a virus being carried into an area, or changes in the way people live, like more people living in an area, which increases the chances of them coming into contact with a bacteria or virus.


Each disease can only officially be classified as an epidemic once a certain number of deaths have occurred from the disease. The number of deaths is different for every disease. So a very rare disease will have a low baseline and just a few cases of it in one place will be classified as an epidemic; as opposed to more common diseases, such as the flu, that have a higher baseline. The common cold is a widespread virus that affects millions of people, but it is not seen as being a serious enough condition to deserve the classification of epidemic.


With recent press reports drawing parallels between bird flu and killer epidemics of the past, Jim Smith looks at the sometimes depressing history of epidemics for clues about how we can create a more positive future without epidemics.


Since bird flu first appeared in 1997, it has taken more than a hundred lives. Many people fear it could be the next global epidemic, especially as scientists who have gone into detail studying tissue samples from the bodies of people who died of the 1918 Spanish Flu have proved that bird flu is a modern adaptation of that virus.


One of the earliest epidemics on record happened between about 500 and 550 CE. Scientists now estimate that up to 50% of the area’s population died from the epidemic, making it one of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire. Then, in the 1330s, this epidemic returned, this time in Asia. It spread rapidly to Europe and became known as “The Black Death” because one visible symptom was black spots on the body.

人类有记载的最早的流行病,大约发生在公元500年至550年之间。现今科学家估计,发病区域多达50%的人口死于这一流行病,成为罗马帝国衰落的一个主要原因。接着,14世纪30 年代,这一流行病又卷土重来,这次发生在亚洲,并迅速传播到欧洲。由于患者身上会出现明显的黑斑症状,这种流行病被称为“黑死病”。

Centuries later, the Great Flu Epidemic of 1918, also called the Spanish Flu, struck near the end of World War Ⅰ. Families who had only just got through the war now had to bury their loved ones who had died of the disease. As a result of the war, more people were travelling and moving perhaps than ever before in history and this caused the epidemic to spread worldwide. Having killed up to 50 million people in 18 months, the Spanish Flu is believed to have been the most severe epidemic in history. More people died of the flu than died in the war. Initially, many people believed that such epidemics no longer posed a threat until very recently when SARS became a cause for concern.


The SARS epidemic began in 2002 with a case of lung disease in Guangdong Province. It spread to Canada, Vietnam and Singapore and lasted until 2003. SARS was examined by scientists, who were confused by this new disease and wanted to learn more about it and its causes. Infection rates went up steadily, and in the course of the outbreak, about 8,000 people were infected over nine months. Since the end of the SARS epidemic, scientists have been doing trials on treatments to prevent any future outbreaks.


Then, from 2013 to 2016, there was the most widespread outbreak of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in West Africa, which resulted in a major loss of life in a number of west African countries. 11,310 deaths were officially recorded, but the actual number of deaths is probably much higher. The virus was extremely infectious and the survival rate was as low as 30% in some areas, indicating that very few people got over it.

随后,2013年到2016年间,西非爆发了大规模传染病——埃博拉出血热(EVD),夺去了这一地区多个国家的很多人的生命。官方统计的死亡人数为11310 人,而实际死亡人数可能要更高。该病毒传染性极强,一些地区的存活率低至30%,也就是说很少有人能康复。

Despite, or perhaps because of, the epidemics the world has faced in recent years, governments worldwide have underlined the fact that they want thorough and systematic medical research on epidemics to get at the causes and come up with cures as soon as possible. Countries will need to work together to do this because teamwork among nations across the globe can save lives.



UNIT 9词汇表



Unit 9-单词词汇表音频: 进度条 00:00 03:52 后退15秒 倍速 快进15秒


Topic Talk

biology n.生物学

capability n.(完成困难事情的)能力,才能

marathon n.马拉松赛跑

justify vt.证明······有道理,为·····辩护

infer vt.推断,推定

calculate vt.计算,核算

*physicist n.物理学家

*athletics n.田径运动会

innovate vi.&vt.革新,创新,改革

betterment n.(个人社会和经地位的)改良,改善,提高

*vaccine n.疫苗

*resilience n.恢复力,复原力,适应力

participant n.参加者,参与者

*doping n.使用违禁药物(以提高体育比赛的成绩)

Lesson 1

clone vt.克隆,使无性繁殖n.克隆动物或植物,无性繁殖的个体


*gene n.基因

artificially adv.人为地,虚假地

barrier n.障碍,壁垒

identical adj.完全相同的,非常相似的

twin n.双胞胎中的一个

*mammal n.哺乳动物

camel n.骆驼

cattle n.牛

goat n.山羊

forever adv.永远;长久地

*primate n.灵长目动物

*ape n.猿

comparison n.比较

reproductive adj.繁殖的,生殖的

wholly adv.完全地

clue n.线索,提示

accurate adj.准确的,正确的

treatment n.诊疗,治疗,疗法;对待方式

*provoke vt.激起,引起

emotion n.强烈的情感,激情

crucial adj.至关重要的,关键性的

bound adj.很有可能,肯定会

*ethical adj.关于伦理的;合乎道德的

mere adj.仅仅,只不过;极小的,极不重要的

*inferior adj.低级别的,下级的;差的,次的

abuse vt.滥用,妄用;虐待n.滥用;虐待

blessing n.福气,幸运

*curse n.祸因,祸根;诅咒,咒语

Lesson 2

*atom n.原子

*nerve n.神经;焦虑,恐惧,紧张

contain vt.包含,容纳,装盛

organ n.器官

*impulse n.(神经)冲动,(电)脉冲

locate vi.& vt.找出··.··的准确位置

crossword n.纵横字谜,纵横填字游戏

zone n.地区,地带

junk food n.(高脂肪、高糖份等的)不利健康的食品,垃圾食品

intake n.摄入量,摄取量

*omega n.奥米伽(希腊字母表的最后一个字母,即Ω,ω)

Lesson 3

*epidemic n.传染病,流行病

virus n.病毒

variation n.变化物,变体;差异,变动

factor n.因素,要素

*bacteria n.细菌

officially adv.官方地,正式地

classify vt.将······分类;把······归入一类

rare adj.稀有的,罕见的,不常发生的(

baseline n.(医学或科学中的)基线,准线

opposed adj.与某事物相反;反对某事物,不赞成某事物

widespread adj.分布广的,广泛流传的

classification n.归类,分类,分级

*parallel n.(不同地点或不同时间的两事物之间的)联系,相似adj.平行的

depressing adj.令人沮丧的,让人忧愁的

sample n.样本,样品vt.品尝,尝试;对······做抽样调查

CE 公元(用于日期后)

estimate vt.&n.估计,估算

visible adj.看得见的

*symptom n.症状;征兆,症候

bury vt.埋葬,安葬;埋藏

pose vt.造成,引起,产生(问题、危险、困难等);n.(为画像、拍照等而摆的)姿势,姿态

lung n.肺

*steadily adv.稳定的

outbreak n.(战争或疾病)爆发;突然发生

trial n.试验;审判,审理

actual adj.实际的,真实的

underline vt.强调,使突出;在···.··之下划线

thorough adj.彻底的,全面的,详尽的

systematic adj.系统化的,有条理的

globe n.地球,世界;地球仪

Writing Workshop

paragraph n.(文章的)段,段落

corresponding adj.相应的;对应的

differ vi.不同,不一样;有异意

identify vt.确定,发现;认出,识别

Reading Club 1

symbolically adv.象征地,象征性地

phenomenon n.现象

mineral n.矿物质;矿产

needle n.针

Reading Club 2

database n.数据库,资料库

suspect n.(犯罪)嫌疑人,可疑分子

victim n.(袭击事件、抢劫事件或凶杀案的)受害者

astronomer n.天文学家


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